Peppin Fire on El Capitan

May 29, 2004

This three-dimensional, false-color Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) image shows the Peppin Fire southeast of Albuquerque, New Mexico on May 29, 2004. At the time of acquisition, the fire was approximately 27,000 acres in size. In this image, the view is looking southeast towards Sunset Peak on Capitan Mountain. The burned areas appear purple, the unburned vegetation are green, and the bright red spots indicate active fire locations. This image and others are helping Burned Area Emergency Response (BAER) teams determine the extent of the fire damage and plan post-fire rehabilitation and restoration. As with other natural hazards and significant events, the Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center coordinated the image acquisition and expedited data processing between BAER teams and the ASTER Science Team.

Image created by Jess Clark, USDA Forest Service, using data provided by MITI, ERSDAC, JAROS, and the U.S./Japan ASTER Science Team.